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Municipality  Administration

Sandefjord FrP wants to improve the municipal service to you as a citizen. The party will do this through the positive attitude of the FrP to applications, by saying in as many cases as possible: YES - the application has been granted.

Through its influence, Sandefjord FrP will centrally try to reduce the county governor's and the county municipality's access to overriding municipal decisions, so that local self-government is maintained.


Sandefjord FrP wants to protect property rights, and work against interventions such as confiscation and socialization. Coercion and expropriation can only be accepted when this is absolutely necessary in connection with the development of socially important infrastructure. Expropriation shall only be carried out for compensation so that the property owner does not suffer losses, ie at market price. It must be possible for any expropriation decision to be brought before the courts for review, also to determine the amount of compensation.


Sandefjord municipality must appear as a YES municipality.


Sandefjord municipality must be future-oriented and develop to meet the challenges of the future


Sandefjord municipality must think and act preventively and holistically


Sandefjord municipality must ensure its financial freedom of action and carry out the tasks it is set to solve for its citizens.


Sandefjord municipality shall aim to become the best municipality to live in, particularly in the areas of schools, health and care.


The municipal council must take its role as the largest employer seriously. Sandefjord FrP will therefore work to ensure that all employees in the municipal sector feel taken care of. We will therefore be positive that employees have the opportunity for further and continuing education.


Through a strengthened HR / HSE, we will work to reduce the number of sick leave days, and in this way free up funds that can be used to strengthen the services.


Sandefjord FrP wants users of municipal services to feel confident that they will receive the statutory help they are entitled to. We therefore want controls that will ensure security for both the user and the provider of the service.


Taxes and fees should be designed so that they contribute to high value creation and a good utilization of resources in society. Introducing a fee does not mean that the challenge will end.


The municipalities' most important task is to provide and secure welfare services. The finances shall be managed so that the service offering shall follow the development over time and be adapted to the financial framework of the municipality. A sustainable economy means that the use of resources today should not threaten welfare in the future, in other words, erode food.


Kraftfonden's return is mainly earmarked for investments. Large borrowings for investments may threaten welfare production in the future. Sandefjord FrP still sees a need for large investments in both school and health / care in the short and long term. In order to obtain the necessary investment capital, Sandefjord FrP is prepared to sell plots, properties and buildings that the municipality does not need.


Work for faster and quality case processing.

That digital solutions must be user-friendly

That an option is maintained for applications and forms to be submitted in writing for those who have major challenges with digital tools

Work to ensure that the Public Administration Act's intentions and deadlines are observed.


Prioritize control that decisions taken are followed rationally and according to the intentions of the elected representatives.

That the task of municipal agencies should be to support and serve the municipality's residents.

The municipal director may be required to report in cases that have been delegated.

Work for freedom of choice in services

Work for the least possible bureaucracy, efficient use of taxpayers' money, good service and a YES attitude in the municipality.



Taxes and fees must be arranged so that they contribute to high value creation and good utilization of resources in society. Introducing a municipal tax or levy does not mean that the challenge ends


Work for a low tax level in the municipality.


Work to ensure that your tax money is used for statutory and necessary services such as health, school and care.


DO NOT introduce property tax.


Say no to introducing tolls.

Calculate Savings


Kthe municipalities' most important task is to ensure you the best welfare services. A safe municipal economy means that the use of resources today should not threaten welfare in the future. We will put corrosion after nourishment.


The Kraftfond's return is mainly earmarked for investingcalls. Large borrowings for investments may threaten the municipality's service offering in the future.


Sandefjord FrP still sees a need for large investments both in schools and health/care in the short and long term. To obtain the necessary investment capital is


Sandefjord FrP is determined to sell Sandefjord broadband, land, properties and buildings that the municipality does not need.


Work for an efficient use of the municipality's resources, to achieve good services


Ensure safe and sound management of the municipality's fund


Sell plots, properties and buildings


Limit the municipality's use of resources on tasks that the private business sector can deliver or offer.


Be restrictive in raising dividends from the municipality's companies in order to use it for operations in the municipality's budget


Work actively for the sale of Sandefjord Bredbånd, the sale sum is put into a fund.


Be positive about private establishments that give the municipality increased income

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